Fleas Control

Flea infestations often come from a pet dog or cat. The pests bind themselves to the animal while it is outside, and then infest her fur and indoor sleeping areas. Flea control can be challenging for both the home and the yard. Any pet owner is vulnerable to infestation without constructive approach.

Fleas Control

In UK homes fleas are a common problem, particularly those with pets. If previous owners of your property kept cats or dogs, you might discover a problem with fleas, even if you don't have pets. Certain (particularly hairy)animals such as rabbits, foxes, squirrels, rodents, mice and livestock such as pigs can also carry fleas.

The greatest concern about the presence of fleas in your home or company, as parasites, comes from their bites. Although these are not harmful, they can lead to unpleasant itching or allergic rash. Your pets could develop flea saliva allergies, too.

Species Flea & Guides

Tiny and flightless insects, fleas are parasites external to lay eggs that require a blood feed. Dog and Cat Fleas are the largest flea species in the UK and can cause problems (even if you don't have pets). Know more about appearances of fleas, lifecycles and behaviours.

The Flea Treatments by Pestzy

While fleas do not have wings, they have elongated legs which are incredibly strong. This allow them to spring long distances and switch between you and your pets quickly, leaving itchy bites behind. Successful control requires that your property and your pets be handled with flea, if you have them.

At Pestzy, we deliver healthy, inexpensive treatments to ensure full control of your flea infestation at home or company.

Our BPCA accredited technicians understand the flea species ' habits providing tailored treatments to efficiently get rid of all the fleas.

DIY Materials

DIY Flea products are the most effective to treat a minor infestation. Using our flea powders and sprays on surfaces where fleas, such as carpets, soft furnishings, and pet bedding, are present. You would need qualified flea control treatments to remove the problem if your flea problem spreads or persists.