Spider Control
Worldwide, there are more than 35,000 species of spiders, but only about 650 of those are present in the UK.
While they are often beneficial to our community, there is an innate fear of spiders in many people, known as Arachnophobia. This triggers feelings of uncomfort at the mere sight of spiders, which can lead to excessive sweating, vomiting and panic attacks in the extreme.
Thankfully, the majority of spider species present in the UK are not considered dangerous and are not pests. The few who can bite quite rarely do. When bitten by a spider it often has very little impact on most people, although certain species due to their venom can cause an unusual reaction.
Spider Control Service at Pestzy
With their eight legs readily identifiable, some people gladly embrace the existence of spiders while others can not bear their feelings.
Professional control of the spider is important for controlling large or recurrent infestation. Our inspection and monitoring service is designed to identify different spider species that may be a business concern, and to confirm those that are harmless.Our technicians accredited by BPCA hold specialized knowledge of spider species. We may provide guidance on how to identify the early signs of an infestation, enabling immediate care to be rapid and successful if appropriate.