Termite control

Identified colloquially as the "white-ants", termites are renowned for their destruction of wooden structures and furnishings. Via global technological and exclusive partnerships with research and development companies, to meet your unique needs, PCI has established an integrated Termite Treatment & Control Service.

Termite control

Termites are especially alarming pests as they can cause significant harm to your home or office and are extremely hard to get rid of. We also flourish discreetly and in inaccessible areas.Do - it-yourselfanti-termitis treatments such as termite spray may not be able to treat root-level thermite infestation, especially in the case of large termite colonies. Having treated with termite from an professional pest control company is the perfect way to remove termites from your property and protect your valuable belongings.

How do I get my idea to be dealt with termite?

Flying termites inside the house or emerging from a wall's base suggests a termite infestation that requires urgent care. Other symptoms of infestation include wall mud tubes, hollow sounding woodwork, broken wood / wood furniture, and discarded wings of termite.We also suggest daily monitoring of your property and its surroundings to keep them unfavourable for infestation with termites. If you find termites or some other termit signs.

When to Eliminate Termites

Pestzy PCI provides antitermite treatments for both pre-construction and post-construction to ensure that your home and properties are safe from harmful termite attacks.

Post-construction termite treatment: Our advanced anti-termite post-construction treatment serves as a defense against harm caused to existing homes and business premises by underground termites. Pestzy PCI conducts an expert inspection using proprietary TermatracTM, state-of - the-art termite detection technology, which uses RADAR sensors for detection, eliminating the need for exploratory drilling at your premises.

At Pestzy PCI, we only use chemicals licensed by the government for treatment with termite. That ensures a safe environment during and after treatment with termite.The treatment comes with a five-year warranty for isolated structure / building, meaning that Pestzy PCI will be withdrawn if re-infestation occurs during the contract duration.

Pre-construction thermal treatment: With the aid of Pestzy PCI's pre-construction thermal treatment service, you can move to your new home or office in comfort, realizing that your premises are now safe from termites.The procedure includes using pneumatic spray nozzles to create a site-based water-based termiticide until it is coated with concrete slabs. Our anti-termitis therapy pre-construction comes with a 10-year warranty that gives you peace of mind against termite attacks.

Which is the remedy for termites post-construction?

Our post-construction thermal treatment is conducted on an existing building to proactively and intensively protect the land from infestation with termites. The procedure includes the identification of termites using Termatrac, the drilling of skirting holes on the walls and the injection of liquid termiticide by trained technicians. Pestzy PCI's treatment of termiticid liquid barriers is one of the best and most effective approaches for post-construction termite control.

When pumped into the field, the termiticide forms a membrane between the soil and the building structure. As workers termites tunnel through the ground in search of food, they are exposed to this solution, which not only gets consumed but also sticks to their bodies.This active ingredient then spreads by contact with the affected terminite to other termites in the colony.

What does termite care entail before construction?

Pre-construction termite control, also known as soil treatment, is carried out during the preliminary construction process of a house. Pre-construction termite control treatment helps to create an anti-termite barrier under the building structure to protect against damage caused by soil termites.The areas under and around the concrete base are exposed as part of this treatment to a specific solution that provides a termite barrier to provide a long-term effect.