Rat Control
Rats can be very persistent even gnawing through metal to get in and they can spread disease, cause harm and contaminate food if they gain access to your home or business premises. Rats can cause other problems, so it is important that a rat infestation is removed quickly as ratscan:
1. Harm property with excessive gnawing, rats can harm insulation, chew the joists, pipes, doors, floorboards through the floor. Rats will also shred almost everything from paper to linen and plastic for their nests.
2. Contaminate foods as contaminants are in the urine and dropouts of a rodent, and can spread diseases like Weil's disease (Leptospirosis), Rodent bite fever, and Salmonellosis.
Look for specific rat signs that will help you detect a problem early, meaning that care will begin as quickly as possible.
Rats Market Impacts
1. Alarm - Immediate loss of customer and employee trust, especially in the food processing, industrial & manufacturing and food & beverage sectors.
2. Damage - Goods and facilities in offices and company premises, such as computers, electrical devices, cables and pipes.
3. Losses - Infestations may cause product recalls and contract losses that may result in financial loss and loss of credibility for the business.
4. Legal - Failure to comply with legislation may result in the closing of business or in fines.
Cat Proofing to combat infestation of rats
It can be very distressing to discover rats inside your home or company. Fortunately there are ways to discourage rats and prevent them from infestation.
Proving the home to prevent entry to pests and removing quick access to food and water will also make a difference. Ratts need simple and reliable access to a source of water, even though they only drink from 15-60ml a day. They will eat almost everything available, but prefer consuming small amounts of a variety of different foods.
See our tips below on realistic ways to help avoid a problem:
1. Keep food in metal or glass containers with closely installed lids.
2. Sweep inside and around the garden-less clutter means less hiding places.
3. Place the outdoor garbage bags with tightly placed lids in metal bins to stop them from feeding from contents.
4. Sweep up pet food and bird seed litter and store pet food with fitted lids in sturdy containers -ideally above ground level.
5. Holding gardens free of waste. If you have a lot of compost do not add organic food waste, because it will attract them.
Rats are agile, versatile and make the most of every chance to get into your house. Black rats are outstanding climbers. Although brown rats can climb, they prefer to build burrows, particularly near or beneath solid structures such as sheds, garages and walls.
They are very experienced in swimming in sewers and drainage systems and making the most of any impaired pipework. Both species can gnaw at holes to make them open enough to be easy to reach.
Rat Management Solutions by Pestzy
Our accredited BPCA (British Pest Control Association) technicians have safe, efficient solutions for getting rid of rats using industry-leading treatments. Rodenticides are one of the fastest and most effective ways of handling rats. In a wide range of formulations, we have a broad array of rodenticides appropriate for indoor and outdoor use.
Rodenticides are used as part of an anti-pest operation and routine monitoring system expected. We'll put in place a schedule of visits designed to take care of your rat issue efficiently with minimal disturbance.
1. We give an comprehensive site inspection to reach the origins of the attraction, the breeding site, the extent of infestation and the species of rats.
2. Our technicians can provide effective, controlled control of rats customized to your needs.
3. Treatments should include tracking any possible breeding sites and advise steps to be taken according to the pest problems.
The most effective method of prevention is always daily monitoring of the pests. Rat bait stations professionally operated by pestzy are a reliable deterrent to rats and are safe to use even in areas where children or pets are present.
Your local trained pestzy technicians will provide a rat issue found in your home or company with the most appropriate treatments possible. Additionally, professional facilities are the most effective means of providing a long-term solution to a pest problem.
Do it for yourself ?
While Do - It-Yourself (DIY) products are a cost-effective way to manage rat problems in low-risk areas, professional pest control is needed for more developed rat colonies in high-risk areas, or where persistent infestation occurs. Goods have been produced and assembled to conform to UK & EU requirements according to strict guidelines.They are available at all decent retailers and supermarkets to purchase some of our pestzy branded DIY Items.
When you have a larger infestation and are unable to contain it, more advanced care that is not available on the counter would be needed. Our pestzy technicians are specialized in the administration and distribution of a variety of humane and baited traps to eradicate your rat epidemic.